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You'd never find a cinephile saying "Yeah, I generally skip over some parts of film to get to the meat and like read the Wikipedia summary to help, that's just so that I can watch as many films as possible." People forget that at the end of the day, reading is a consumptive activity. Can it, in general, be more demanding than other consumptive activities like watching films and listening to music? Yes, absolutely. But it's still a consumptive activity, so applying the kind of strategy that one applies for doing productive work -- like how to study more, Star Wars Darth Vader They Call Me Darth Baker Shirt how to work more, how to practice more (an instrument, for example) is not good, in my opinion. The best experience is to go through a book slowly. Read each and every line, and let it settle in your mind. If you like a sentence/para, or if you don't fully understand it read it twice, thrice. It's better to closely read one book per year than to skim over a hundred. With respect to my point about audiobooks (including some of the comments), I apologise. I realise I have been insensitive towards certain groups, and that I need to educate myself better on their experiences, the problems they face and evaluate my own privilege. I'm sorry.
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